Ebook Free , by Elena Ferrante
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, by Elena Ferrante
Ebook Free , by Elena Ferrante
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Format: Kindle Ausgabe
Dateigröße: 824 KB
Seitenzahl der Print-Ausgabe: 125 Seiten
Verlag: Europa Editions (1. März 2008)
Verkauf durch: Amazon Media EU S.Ã r.l.
Sprache: Englisch
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Durchschnittliche Kundenbewertung:
5.0 von 5 Sternen
2 Kundenrezensionen
Amazon Bestseller-Rang:
#216.164 Bezahlt in Kindle-Shop (Siehe Top 100 Bezahlt in Kindle-Shop)
Begeistert von der neapolitanischen Saga wollte ich mehr von Elena Ferrante lesen und habe auch in the lost daughter ein gutes Buch gefunden. Spannend bis zum Schluß und sympathisch, dass die Protagonistin nicht nur positive Eigenschaften besitzen darf. Freue mich, dass auch noch mehr deutsch übersetzte Bücher von ihr 2018 erscheinen.
this is a must read! haven't been so lost in a book for a very long time. an absolute treat!
This is one really… weird…. book. Look, I am not going to lie to you. The writing is fantastic. The subject, a mother honest about motherhood, is one of my favorite topics. As I read the book I kept thinking that this is a really well written book and I can totally equate with what the character means about finally be free of her grown up daughters and then WHAMO, it takes this really weird turn. Once it took this turn, I was hooked. I laughed out loud. I stared at the words in fascination/horror. I could not put the darn thing down! Good thing It is a fairly short book. Holy Moley. You gotta read it to believe it. I understand that the text was originally written in Italian and then translated to English. If the English version is that witty, biting, and passionate, I wonder what the original Italian translation feels like? On to "The Days of Abandonment," I can't help myself.
i had not read any ferrante before, and was told that this was a good start. it is, on the surface, the kind of fiction that i enjoy -- a closely observed character study of a complex character. there is not much of a plot -- a woman with mixed feelings about many things takes a vacation trip to a beach, encounters a family there and observes them, a child's toy is lost, things end with much unresolved. that is not usually a problem for me, as long as the character whose inner life is being presented is an interesting and nuanced one.however, this novel annoyed me the entire time i was reading it. a lack of tidy plot is one thing, but ferrante's writing is almost incoherently vague at times, with switches in mood and feeling that seem almost arbitrary. and the language is frustrating to read -- clumsy sentences with odd wording and repetition. indeed, i began to wonder if it was in part a terrible translation, but the translator appears to have translated a bunch of fiction previously, including a number of ferrante's works. so. having no reason to blame the translation, i find myself not thinking very highly of ferrante's writing, and not likely to read anything else by her.
Motherhood, a shattering. "All the hopes of youth seemed to have been destroyed, I seemed to be falling backward toward my mother, my grandmother, the chain of mute or angry women I came from." The things mothers cannot bear to admit or say out loud. Many of the same themes as the My Brilliant Friend series, I felt having read the the Neapolitan series it took me deeper into Ferrante's world and agenda. Two women, similar names -- Elena Lina Nina Lenu, Gino, Nino -- a child with a doll, the doll gets taken, a large family group, one woman is lean and lovely and has a child very young and is detached somewhat from the family, has a lover. The other abandoned her children to pursue a career. The doll is a significant symbol. This is experimental fiction, it deals with the psychological light and dark of a woman struggling with identity and her choices. The macabre and horror-element is the dark side of what women hardly ever write about, let alone admit. A journey into a mother's psyche, Ferrante writes honestly about motherhood, identity and the difficult choices women face.
Leda is a 47 year-old divorced woman, and mother to daughters, Bianca and Marta, now 22 and 24. The girls have recently moved from Italy to Toronto, Canada to live with their father. Leda is well educated and teaches at the university in Florence, Italy. Leda was not upset when her daughters moved away, in fact it was quite the opposite: "When my daughters moved to Toronto, where their father had lived and worked for years, I was embarrassed and amazed to discover that I wasn't upset; rather, I felt light, as if only then had I definitively brought them into the world. For the first time in almost twenty-five years I was not aware of the anxiety of having to take care of them. The house was neat, as if no one lived there, I no longer had the constant bother of shopping and doing the laundry, the woman who for years had helped with the household chores found a better paying job, and I felt no need to replace her."It's summer and since she is feeling happy about her new freedom, Leda decides to rent a beach house for six weeks, on the Ionian coast, near Naples. She packs her books and lesson plans for the coming school year and is planning to relax by lounging on the beach by day.Early on she becomes fascinated by the interactions of an attractive young mother named Nina, and her young daughter, Elena. She also intently watches little Elena's interactions with her doll, which the girl calls by several different names. Several other family members visit the family on the beach as well. One day Leda notices the child by the waters edge, so she returns her to her mother who was lying on the beach blanket and hadn't noticed the child had wandered to the water. Another day when the family leaves the beach for the day, Leda notices that Elena's beloved doll was left buried in the sand. This incident upsets Leda, and suddenly this event, along with the interactions of mother and child, opens a floodgate of memories for Leda of her own days as a young mother. Some of the incidents which she recalls of things she did, and ways she reacted to her own daughters --were cringe-worthy.This brief novella, just 124 pages, is sure to evoke emotions among readers, especially mothers. Narrated in the first person, this deep journey into a mother's psyche, gives the reader plenty to think about. Marriage, motherhood, personal freedom, sacrifice and career fulfillment are some of the conflicting issues that surface in this work.Initially, I thought I might have a problem with the flow of the story due to the translation, but that was not the case. Once I got into the rhythm and into what was going on in Leda's head, I was hooked. I liked this one a lot, and would definitely recommend it.
This is a complex piece of literature by a highly acclaimed Italian author, who was new to me. It was the first of her novels that I read. I have now read three of them. She writes incredibly well, and delves in great and realistic detail into the thoughts and feelings of her characters, who definitely live on the page. I was so perplexed the symbolism of the doll, and what it actually means that I started a virtual book club with some of my literary friends to discuss this work as our first, so that I can hear and discuss what others thought about the depth of meaning and symbolism of various components. A wonderfully deep piece of literature; definitely not a "popcorn read", as I like to say. Food for great thought. I liked it.
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